How God answered my prayer through photography | Fredericksburg, Va Photographer
So thats a pretty powerful start to a blog huh? Well its true! For years I prayed to find a career or hobby I was passionate about and able me to leave my retail 9-5 job and although that prayer wasn't answered over night it was answered! God has this amazing way of setting us up to succeed by sometimes going through very hard and difficult situations. Some us have gone through harder situations then others and thats ok because its all in Gods plan. So about 3 years ago after returning to work from maternity leave from my 2nd child I was feeling pretty depressed and pretty sad I had to leave her, and honestly I felt like my prayers weren't being heard!! I prayed so hard that I could take a passion of mine and make it a career, yet here I was returning to my job that I had absolutely no passion for. I knew I couldn't just leave a job on a whim and just hope everything fell into place could I? Welp thats exactly what I did!!! The tears of passion came streaming down my face as I tied my apron on about to head out onto the sales floor! I couldn't do it! I knew something was calling me home something big something great and something that god had placed in my hands! I took the apron off and politely resigned! Scared to death I walked out of that building a free woman! A Terrified, but free creative woman! The next few years were honestly a blur! Miracle after miracle and blessing after blessing! Don't get me wrong there were plenty of bad and rough patches but I choose to tell my story looking at the positive side! Now I could go into detail about every amazing experience, every AHH HA moment or even every client but that would literally take me all day!
I do however want to talk about 1 very important client/friend! This client was sent to me by the grace of god at the perfect time!! And sometimes I think back to that day when tears of passion were streaming down my face and I had no idea what god had planned for me. When Kelly Blumenthal and Finn Blumenthal were put into my life, it was changed forever! Now when I meet them I had no idea the impact they would both make on my life nor did I ever plan that their beauty and grace would bring me closer to the lord! See when Finn in Kelly came into my life I was no where near the point that I am now with my business and I had no idea about the condition of Finn but they still trusted me with these precious memories. I later found out that Finn (at the time under 9months old) suffered from CHD and multiple other complications. My first thought after meeting Finn and seeing his equipment was not a happy one, I felt so bad for the family and for Finn!! OOO but boy was I wrong!! Within minutes I saw how amazing Kelly was, how determined she was for Finn to fight and stay positive and that truly rubbed off on Finn and everyone around them. Finn was nothing but smiles ( honestly he always is when I see him) and although their home was filled with medical equipment and a little boy who had some serious complications, this was not a sad home of a sick little boy!! This home was a home of joy, laughter, smiles, and strength. Finn and kelly should be the definition of strength and compassion! They have taught me how to live every day to the fullest, they have taught me how to love unconditionally and most importantly they have taught me to keep fighting, never give up and JUST KEEP SWIMMING!!!!! I thank the lord everyday for brining these two incredible individuals in my life and I know that the day I walked out of my retail job, god already had this amazing plan set and he knew how much it would change and help me grow and ill be forever grateful for it.
So a few weeks ago I had a very special shoot with these amazing people. I know your all use to seeing the amazing Finn on my page but you very rarely get to see the incredible Kelly and her son Mason! Kelly wanted some mommy and me pics with her two special little boys and of course I jumped for joy at the opprotunity! We headed out to a farm at sunset and captured some of the most unbelivaley gorgeous images!! Please enjoy these images of Finn and I's journey as well as their gorgeous sunset session!
The first time I meet Kelly and Finn!
Family time/Lifestyle session
always smiling!!
Summer their sweet golden!
Birthday Boy!!
Cheers to "ONE"!!!!
rocking and modeling his Babiators!!!!
Finn is modeling his Chickfila cow suit here! If you visit the Rte 17 Chickfila part of the proceeds go toward UVA children's hospital to help kids like Finn!!
You can purchase lemonade or cookies!
One if not my very favorite picture ever taken of Finn!