The reason I keep Pushing!! | Fredericksburg, Va Photographer
Five years ago ( almost 6) when I gave birth to my oldest daughter Madison, my Photography business was just a dream. But as you know (epsically if you read my last blog) you know that this big dream of mine didn't fully start until my second daugther Autumn was born. So id like to dedicate this Blog specifically to them. Of course I always have and always will thrive to seek Gods plan and purpose for me but I give a lot of credit to these two at home! They are my drive, my why and my reason! On days when I want to give up or throw the towel in they remind me why I started and why ill never give up on this little (well Big) dream of mine. Without them i wouldn't be the woman, mom, wife, friend and business owner I am today. So with out further ado id like to inrotduce my two little blessings to you all.
My Oldest Madison Bailey Tignor, Born September 17, 2010. The little girl who made me a proud mommy at the age of 24.
Madison is everything that I wasn't in a good way as a kid!! she loves her fruit and adores a good book! She loves school and Kid zone at church which makes me a very proud mama! She's literally the sweetest thing ever (not just because I'm her mom). She's just about to finish up her year as a kindergarten and mommy is pretty sad about it. When she grows up she's wants to be a kid doctor and help sick kids (pediatrician). I truly believe shell accomplish this dream and ill always be there on the sidelines cheering her on. She's a sweet soul and I'm blessed to call her my daugther.
My youngest Autumn Lou Tignor, Born August 16th 2014 (short one day from her due date). The little girl who made me a mommy times two!!
Autumn Is basically a complete opposite of Maddie and I love it! This little one is packed full of spunk and lots of curiosity (just like her mommy)! We Call her "peeks" not sure exactly why other then it sounds really cute when you say it while squeezing her checks lol! This one keeps my busy! She's a mini me my mom says! Just like Dennis the Mennis lol! Shell eat basically ANYTHING except eggs and loves being outside and getting dirty! She hates having shoes on and wants to do things her way ( her daddy and I are in trouble)!!!! When she laughs she sound just like a baby lamb!! She's my baby ( for now wink wink)!
Cuteness overload!!!!
I love you THIS much mommy!!
Blizzard of 2016
Pajama day! Opps this mama forgot and we wore regular dance clothes!!
The bond between a girl and her Pig "peppa"
My little Cupcake!
Look Mommy I'm a smurf!!!!