Im only half crazy ;)
Ok well let me explain what I mean. This past Sunday I ran a Half Marathon ( hence the running humor of Im only half crazy) which is 13.1 miles! The full marathon is 26.2 (bucket list) miles. This was my 3rd half marathon I've ran and although I didn't PR (personal Record) Im still proud of myself for going out there and giving it my all. For anyone who does any type or sport/racing event you know just how fulfilling it is to see the fans cheering and the adrenaline you get from crossing that finish line. I think thats what keeps brining me back to race. This year was very special for me though, after missing 2 races I was determined to get out there and do this race no matter what! I had the best company and fans a girl could ask for cheering on the side lines! My oldest daughter Madison has gotten to experience mommy racing before, but this was the first year I had both my girls there as well as my husband and mom and dad!! Theres actually a neat shot below that one of the race photographers captured of me racing to the finish line and my moms on the sideline holding her camera!! So being that it was the first race that my whole family would be there I decided to pull out my craft tote and make the girls some cute shirts to wear that had fun little quotes on them for mommy!
The race wasn't the easiest one I've ran (partially due to lack of training and a Jamaican vacation two weeks prior) but I finished and thats all that counts! Sometimes in life when things are really hard and painful (like this race) you just have to keep pushing through and lean all on those people cheering you on from the sidelines! Always remember that no matter how bad of a day,week or month your going through God is always looking out and prepping you for big things! I hope this helps motivate someone and let them know to never lose faith, don't give up and keep hustling! Happy Thursday!!!
right before the race started!
Maddie and Autumn wearing their custom made shirts by their mommy!
Thank you Race photographers for the action shots of me!
theres mom with her camera and my oldest peeking over the gate to see mommy finish!
I finished!! WOHOO!!!!!
Thank you Marathon Foto for these images!
check out the size of that metal!!! Took up my entire palm!!
Stephanie T