Kendra Scott-Ronald McDonald Event/ Fredericksburg, Va. Maternity Newborn Cake Smash & Child Photographer
Last week I had the privilege to shoot a pretty amazing event! The jewlery company Kendra Scott graciously hosted an event in their Charlottesville store for The Ronald McDonald House! If you haven't checked out her Jewelry, do your self a favor and go check it out, gorgeous stuff! Their spring line had just come out that day and it was sea themed which was perfectly paired with Finns moto of "Just Keep Swimming".
Last year Kendra Scott deigned a necklace/line after Finn (if your interested in purchasing one you can find it Here.) This year they did a line called Finn and Friends to honor all the families with Chd. Each child is a jewel in their own way and we encourage each and every one of them to just keep swimming!!
The amount of joy and laughter in the room that evening was contagious and I wish I could blog and share every single image from the event, but we may be here a while if I did that lol. Please enjoy some of my favorites from the event. Enjoy!!!
Kelly and Finn looking so gorgeous!
Soo many pretty pieces!
When you smile, you light up a room!
All the Kendra Scott employees were so kind and went over and beyond what was expected to make everyone smile!
And did I mention how gorgeous they are all?!!!
Oo finn your so adorable!!
New spokes person for Chips Ahoy? I think soo!!!
Taylor Schafer came to support her prom date a week before the big night!! Stay Tuned for the full Prom story on the blog later this week!
You knew Finn has a Fan club right?? Well he does!!
Finn said no more pictures!!!!