Meeska Mouska Mickey Mouse!! | Fredericksburg, Va Maternity, Newborn, Cakesmash, Family Photographer
Mason Turns O.N.E!
Mason is one of those little boys who comes into a room and it just lights up! He's got an adorable personality already at the ripe ole age of one lol!! Not to mention his gorgeous baby blues (Ive been pretty blessed lately with babies that have amazing eyes)!! Masons mommy and I go back a while at least 8 years maybe more. We met when we use to work at Yankee Candle. It still blows my mind how perfectly God has placed each individual in my life for an exact purpose. Kim (mason's mom) has pretty much been my wing man or wing woman since the day I met her. Its crazy sometimes to think back to that day when neither one of use were married or had kids! We thought we were tired then when we left work then HAHAHA!!! Now eight years later married and both of us have two amazing kids, her two boys and me two girls (crazy how that worked right)!! God and his amazing blessings continue to amaze me!
Kim and I were pregnant together with our first babies and I wish so badly I had heard Gods calling for me back then so I could have documented the whole thing but it wasn't until a few years later did I realize that "photography" was my thing. On a positive note my youngest Autumn and her youngest Mason have their fair pick of awesome pictures documenting their life!! I had the privilege of capturing Mason throughout his first year. I visited Kim in the hospital for the fresh 48 pictures and soon after had Mommy Kim in my studio with newborn Mason ( if you've seen my Video Blog they are featured on there) You don't realize how fast a year goes by until you have kids or see your newborns back in your studio in what seems like a blink of an eye!! Please enjoy Some of my favorite images of Mason through out his first year!!
seems like yesterday!!
How gorgeous is my friend Kim!!!!! See what I mean when I said mason got his eyes from Mama!!!
Those eyes!!!!
cutest little pose EVER!!!!
How cute is this cake!!!
This adorable pose again :)